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All Stockists Carry LACALUT® Aktiv Toothpaste
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3 Reviews = 3 Tubes & 2 Mouthwashes Valued @$50
UNLIMITED Entries Per Household (same address)
E.g - 2 people in your household could each leave a review (on Facebook, Google AND Trustpilot) to receive 6 FREE tubes
🤝 T's & C's:
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Get 8 Tubes & 2 Mouthwashes
Valued @$100!
UNLIMITED Entries Per Household!
E.g - 2 people can each leave a video testimonial to receive 16 FREE tubes & 4 Mouthwashes worth $200!
🤝 T's & C's:
100+ Year Old Formula With Active Ingredients to Treat & Repair Gum Disease
Kills Disease Causing Bacteria & Closes Pockets Between Your Gums & Tooth
Removes Hardened Plaque & Stops Bleeding Gums in Just a Few Days of Use
Repairs The Conditions of Gingivitis and Restores Teeth & Gums Back to Natural Health